Archive | February 2017

Great Creator: Psalm 36:7


I love my Buddy; when he’s good or when he’s bad, he’s still my little pal. I do much prefer it when he’s good and obedient, but I’d never toss him aside or give him away because he’s misbehaving.

In my women’s Bible Study we’re learning about the names of God. God and Lord in the Scriptures actually have more exact names in the original languages.

A few weeks ago we studied about Elohim, The Creator.

I often identify with God more as The Creator than His other names because, being made in His image (Genesis 1:27), I also like to use my imagination creatively. I’m not like God, able to speak things into being from nothingness and can only recreate from what already exists, but I really enjoy making up stories and drawing cartoons.

I struggled with my image of a loving God because I know He’s so holy and I’m so imperfect. But one day it finally clicked: I love my cartoon characters from my Cattle Capers(tm) world, both the good ones and the bad ones. Why? Because I created them.

They’re not real, yet I have an emotional attachment to them, as their creator.

The name Elohim is used in Psalm 36:7, but translated as God, per Strong’s Number 430: “How priceless is Your unfailing love, O God (Elohim). People take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.”

God loves us because He created us. He fashioned us in the womb and is intimately interested in us. His attention is always on us. (Psalm 139) We exist because He wanted us to.

Lenny the Rat is one of my favorite characters, but he’s far from perfect.

Just as I am, just as you are. But God loves us anyway.

You don’t have to be perfect to be lovable.



Finding Rest: Matthew 11:28-29


When we visited Ocean Shores last summer, I wore Buddy out, walking along the beach. He found rest amidst the grass. However, it was inadequate to protect him from the strong wind that afternoon.

I don’t know about you, but at times I want to run away from the nastiness that’s being spewed since the last Presidential election. But, unless I want to hide in a cave for the next four years, I have to deal with it. Jesus has been my hiding place to run to and find rest.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”–Matthew 11:28-29

Preachers claim that Jesus is referring to a team of oxen: A young ox is yoked to the experienced, older ox who plods along, focused on plowing a straight line. When the newer ox stops goofing around, trying to go his own direction, and yields to the older ox, he finds that the yoke becomes easier.

I find anger, fretting, fear and frustration very taxing emotionally. It’s like a slow poison that damages your health and soul. Jesus promises that when we focus on Him, we’ll find rest. When we allow Jesus to direct our lives, we will find we’re happier and our soul feels lighter.

Jesus has a better path for our minds to travel in.

“Do not FRET…”–Psalm 139

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and DO NOT CURSE.”–Romans 12:14

“Never pay back evil for evil to anyone.”–Romans 12:17

“Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God…”–Romans 12:19

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”–Romans 12:21

“Do not FEAR for I have redeemed you…you are precious in My sight…”–Isaiah 43:1, 4

“Do not WORRY about your life…”–Luke 12:22

“My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”–John 14:27

As you can see in John 14, peace is something God gives to you. You cannot create peace within yourself nor obtain it from the world we live in. Ask Him to give you peace in your heart and by faith trust Him to have given it to you and thank Him for it. When the world and angry people around you start to make you feel stressed out, turn your focus toward Jesus and follow His way: praying for your enemies/opposition and trusting Him to work it out. Focus on His attributes. He’s the great Lord of Hosts, the Omnipotent God. Nothing is too difficult for Him to handle. (Jeremiah 32:17)  He’s in control at all times. He laughs at the nations. They are but dust in His sight. (Psalm 2)

“The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You.”–Isaiah 26:3



Lingering: Genesis 3:1-2


Our area received nearly 7 inches of beautiful snow Sunday evening, while many local areas received almost a foot. Oddly, it snowed all day Sunday but didn’t start to stick to the ground till after dark. Buddy tried to walk around the edges of the snow in our backyard to find a place for “relief”. Finally, he had to trot through the snow, but he didn’t linger in the frigid cold but kept moving.

“Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he (the serpent) said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden?'” And the woman said to the serpent…”

Often, when I buy something I don’t need it’s because I linger too long looking at it. If I’d merely glanced and moved on, I wouldn’t have spent money on something I really didn’t need. But if I stop and gaze–whether on the Internet, an email I should’ve deleted, a catalog I should’ve tossed, a store’s window or display stand I should’ve continued walking by–then I’m far more likely to give into temptation and pull out the credit card or check book.

Eve apparently wasn’t surprised that the serpent spoke to her, so she must’ve had at least a prior encounter with the snake. The problem was, when the serpent questioned what God had commanded her, she stopped to continue the conversation. But Satan was the most crafty of all creatures. Once Eve lingered to speak, she was halfway toward questioning God’s good intentions toward her and losing the presence of the Holy Spirit in her life. If she had run away, Satan would’ve been denied that particular opportunity to tempt her to destroy her intimate relationship with God.

So the moral is: Don’t linger unless you really want to buy the goods that are being offered. Something I need to remind myself of more often.