
Am Neither!

Are you more of a night or morning person?

I used to be a morning person. Seemingly against the grain, I could get up easily for high school, eat breakfast, and have time to watch reruns of “Leave It To Beaver” and the local clown show, the “ JP Patches Show” before leaving to walk to the bus stop. I never had problems getting up.

But then I developed severe health issues that were undiagnosed till my late 30s. It became increasingly difficult to get up in the morning and I never felt rested upon awakening. In fact, for a time I was afraid I wouldn’t wake up in the morning, that each night might be my last.

For various reasons I ended up working full time for a job which requires me to get up at 6 AM. Due to increasing traffic in the Seattle area and office move, I had to get up at 4:45 to get to work in time at 7AM. We could work free overtime for several hours a night, but hell would break loose if any of us arrived a minute late in the morning, regardless of traffic, distance, or inclement weather.

I was forced to be creative in the evenings after work, when exhausted. But the choice was either to accomplish nothing or to force myself to work on projects later at night.

But lately I realize that my best mental hours are before dinner time. I have the most energy between 11AM and 5PM to concentrate my mental efforts. It takes a lot of energy to think deeply.

So, after this long-winded explanation, I’m neither.

Am I a tweener?

Do Lazy Days Make Me Feel Rested or Unproductive?

Do lazy days make you feel rested or unproductive?

Definitely yes!

After my creative life was swallowed up by working over 25 years at a job that sucked the life out of me, I am very eager to be productive creatively.

However, 9 years of severe insomnia, the last years of my employment before my layoff, taught me that our bodies will force us to recognize when we’re pushing ourselves too far emotionally, intellectually and physically. My body rebelled—and no amount of treatment brought rest until I left that job which was not a good fit for my personality and skills.

The naturopath even told me that, “I’ve given you enough sleep medicine to fell an elephant!” Yet, I could not sleep.

Frustration can be an indication that you’re in the wrong place.

I’ve learned to go easy on myself—if my body says to rest, I give it that rest, without fueling frustration.

My productivity is not where I’d like it to be, due to family responsibilities right now, but I’m permitting myself to take baby steps instead of leaps, to be at peace with myself if at least I am going in the right direction—for ME.

What Could I Try For The First Time?

What could you try for the first time?

I immediately thought of what I definitely would NOT EVER NEVER try: eating one of those giant spiders in Cambodia!

I’ve had a hankering to visit Cambodia to visit the ancient ruin of Angkor Wat at the Archeological Park to see the famous carving of a stegosaurus on one of its walls. In fact, the country recently opened a new airport nearby to boost tourism.

But part of me fears going as I don’t want to eat, nor see, spiders bigger than my hand. The thought terrifies me.

I absolutely hate big spiders with every fiber of my being, having grown up with enormous wolf spiders surprising me in the house where I grew up. They’re quite common in Washington State, particularly near Seattle.

However, I’ve recently considered learning to play…

the ukulele.

Because I have normal sized hands that would be stressed on the bigger fret boards of guitars and piano keyboards. (I’ve tried finding a piano keyboard with narrower keys—to no avail.)

I also thought it’d be a skill that my mother could also pick up and take lessons with me. Learning a new skill—like learning a musical instrument or a new language—is good for exercising the brain and slowing down the onset of dementia or other debilitating brain issues.

Looking forward to reading your answers.

God bless.
