Tag Archive | dailyprompt

Please Pray For Buddy

Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

Had to rush Buddy to the ER vet because his groomer let him fall out of the washing tub when she opened its door. He tore an ACL in his knee and cannot stand on his back legs.

The vet said 20% of dogs can recover without surgery. Since Buddy is 16.5, he prefers not to operate.

Thank you for your prayers.

With much gratitude,

Dawn and Buddy

Besides the Holy Bible?

What book could you read over and over again?

I honestly don’t remember why Buddy has a copy of a Clive Cussler book under his paw.

However, I’ve reread this book by now deceased Pastor Chuck Smith, who started the Calvary Church denomination, multiple times. I used it for evangelism in the past, but not effectively. It’s really geared for Christians to understand the grace of God and break free from legalism which, sadly, seems the main teaching in the church.

Galatianism—mixing Law with Grace—seems to be the main stance of the modern church, despite the warning of the Apostle Paul to the Galatians:

“You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?

“This is the one thing I want to find out from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?

“Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?”—Galatians 3:1-3

One of my favorite verses.

Oh, Church! The Apostle Paul warns against foolishness!

God bless.


PS. If you’re interested, please check out my recent (usually) weekly blog post. Thank you!


Weirdly, I didn’t Like My Favorite Movie When I Saw It In The Theatre

What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?

Still from The Mummy, 1999, photo from Imbd.com

I’ve watched the 1999 version of The Mummy many times as it’s one of my favorite movies, yet I didn’t enjoy it that much in the theatre.

I was expecting a scary movie, not an action adventure film.

So the film wasn’t the issue but, rather, my expectations.

When I watched it a second time on a movie channel, I became entranced: It’s a perfectly written movie with a great mix of humor, action, romance, and good-looking people.

It makes me wonder, sometimes, if having false expectations in other areas of my life might be coloring my viewpoint of people or events.

My other favorites that I’ve nearly overdosed on:

Jurassic Park

Independence Day

Planes, Trains & Automobiles

John Carpenter’s The Thing

Alien and the sequel Aliens


My Fair Lady

Fiddler On The Roof

Pride & Prejudice (Kiera Knightley version)


It’s A Wonderful Life.

For anyone who knows me personally, my favorite, lifelong TV show should come as no surprise:

the original Star Trek.

Yes, I love musicals, scary monsters, comedy, and action adventure.

Thanks for reading.

Please check out my latest Buddy Brief:, my mostly weekly blog posts:


Yes, to an extent.

Do you believe in fate/destiny?

I believe that God is moving all events to lead to the rise of the Antichrist and the return of Christ.

But I also believe that we can delay these events by taking action to fight against evil.

I do believe that we have an appointed day to die (Psalm 139:16). But how we choose to live can determine if we remain healthy our final years or suffer unnecessarily.

Yet, genetics also can determine our fate, making life easier or more difficult.

Also, where and when we are born is not our decision. Nor what we look like. Or the government over us. So in a sense, part of our fate is out of our control.

Yet, within these parameters we still exercise a lot of control.

It’s said recently that the average person makes 30,000 decisions a day. (How they’ve figured this out is a bit baffling.)

Life is kind of like a big slide: I can determine the speed and how I move along, but I’m forced to remain within those guardrails.

Thanks for reading!

Mineral Water With…

What is your favorite drink?

Right now it’s mineral water spiked with fresh squeezed grapefruit juice.

The grapefruit are picked from the trees in my parents’ neighborhood. The fresh squeezed juice is not bitter or sour like the juice from cartons or bottles.

When the juice is mixed with mineral water, it’s like having a soda without the sugar.


But too much irritates the tummy!

Rock Climb A Sheer Cliff

What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

I’ll never forget when my mother and I visited the Yucatán peninsula. I don’t recall if it was Chichen Itza or Uxmal, but I ascended into the inside of a windowless pyramid up a narrow staircase with narrow steps. There was no handrail and when I looked downward to descend, the bottom looked way too far away. And my feet seemingly wouldn’t fit on the stairs with my bulky sneakers.

I sweat so badly in the sweltering humidity in the pyramid, that my hands slid off the walls. So I sat on my butt and slid down each step while bracing myself against each wall to prevent a fall.

And violently shaking with fear.

A line of people backed up behind me.

I’ll never forget someone yelling from the ceremonial room at the top: “Who’s holding up the line?!!!”

It was my mother!

So, there’s absolutely, positively no way I’d ever climb up a sheer cliff or rock.

And zero chance I’d ever rappel down a sheer cliff or rock.

Unless I accidentally slipped off or was tossed off.

I feel anxious even thinking about it!

PS. I had nightmares for decades after visiting the observation deck at what was formerly called The Sears Tower in Chicago.

That I’d Like Him To Sit On The Couch With Me and Snuggle

If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be?

Buddy was abused for three years before I adopted him. Because of his past, he won’t snuggle: won’t sit on the couch with me, won’t sleep on my bed next to me, won’t sit on my lap, won’t allow me to hold him for more than half a minute.

But I suppose, if he did snuggle, it would be too hard to part from him one day after thirteen years together.

So God is likely protecting my heart.